Nov 25, 2014

Train Your Dog To Stop Pulling On Their Leash

Walking with your dog is fun and enjoyable, but what if he's pulling on his leash and acts as a leader and not vice versa? It is one of the most common problem of many dog owners. Dogs pull, in part, because they’re full of excess energy. So before you start to train, play with your dog first to tire him out. A vigorous game of tug will do. Every time your dog gets out of control it is essential that you instantly stop the walk, stand still and wait for him to calm down before continuing. Don't let him go in the direction he wants to go. As soon as the leash loosens, start walking again. When your dog pulls on leash and you continue the walk, you are rewarding him for pulling and lunging. Teaching a dog to walk without pulling requires plenty of rewards, so you will need to carry treats as you train. Whenever your dog is walking politely praise him and give him a treat. If you are consistent with this exercise and don’t give up, your dog will learn that walking politely on his leash means a longer walk. It is a tremendous effort in patience at first but it will pay off if you persevere.


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