The amount you feed your German Shepherd puppy depends largely on their age.
*3 Months*
Roughly half a cup 3 times a day, use your own common sense here, if your puppy is huge and can wolf down
a lot and still look like he wants more, then you can probably allow a little.
*4-5 Months*
As he gets a little bigger,
switch from feeding your German Shepherd puppy half a cup 3 times a day, to feeding him twice a day but 1 1/2 cups. The amount of
food will have doubled and the eating routine changes. Evenly space out the meals so he does not go too long between meals.
*1 Year*
By now you should change your puppy’s meal routine to one large meal a day, 3
cups; this is still the same amount in total as the 4-5 month range.
Never give your German
Shepherd dog more food
than it needs. The chances are, it will eat
anything you put in front of it. This will form a habit of greed. Overweight dogs suffer in the long run, just
as humans do.
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