Dec 26, 2013

Why Dogs Eat Grass?

Dogs love to munch away on grass, and some even make it part of their daily routine. Veterinarians consider grass eating a normal dog behavior, even when accompanied by vomiting. Eating grass can aid in digestion, and may in fact have various benefits for dogs that consume a small amount of it on a regular basis. Grass eating can also help to ease digestive discomfort and provide an essential and natural way of purging the body when sick. If a dog is experiencing these problem, you may see it  wanting to get out of the house. Once out, it will chow down on any grass available, taking large bites and often swallowing the plants whole. Your dog will be able to select the type of grass that he eats, and will know what to avoid as part of this selection process.              

While dogs don’t gain anything of real nutritional value from grass, it also may not hurt them, as long as there are no dangerous fertilizers or  pesticides used on the grass itself. You can help protect your grass eater by using only non-toxic products on your own lawn. When you’re out in public areas, keep an eye out for signs warning that chemicals have been used on the grass. You can also provide a safe alternative by growing a grass or herb garden specifically for him to snack on.                                                                                                                   


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