Jan 21, 2014

Homemade Dog Toys

Homemade Dog Toys:

Stuffed Bone

Jan 17, 2014

Human Foods For Dogs

there are some human foods that can be safely added to your dog’s meals in moderation to give a nutritional boost to Queenie’s diet and add a bit of variety to her food bowl. - See more at: http://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/10-people-foods-dogs/1896#sthash.BjKun4iI.dpuf

there are some human foods that can be safely added to your dog’s meals in moderation to give a nutritional boost to Queenie’s diet and add a bit of variety to her food bowl. - See more at: http://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/10-people-foods-dogs/1896#sthash.BjKun4iI.dpuf
There are some human foods that can be safely added to your dog's meal in moderation to give a nutritional boost and add a bit of variety to his food bowl. Rice, oatmeal, eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese are safe for your dog to eat. Popcorn with no butter or salt is a great treat for your dog. Veggies like squash, parsley, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, pumpkin. This simple and reasonably priced treats help your dog  maintain a healthy weight. Lean meat and liver, apples, pineapple and peanut butter are healthy treats for your dogs.
The suggestions above are not meant to replace your dog’s normal, balanced diet. Rather, they are ideas for alternative treats or for adding a little variety to your dog’s meals. - See more at: http://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/10-people-foods-dogs/1896#sthash.BjKun4iI.dpuf
These suggestions are not meant to replace your dog's normal diet. Rather, they are ideas for alternative treats or for adding a little variety to your dog's meal.

The suggestions above are not meant to replace your dog’s normal, balanced diet. Rather, they are ideas for alternative treats or for adding a little variety to your dog’s meal - See more at: http://moderndogmagazine.com/articles/10-people-foods-dogs/1896#sthash.BjKun4iI.dpuf

Jan 16, 2014

Most Aggressive Dog Breeds

Most of these dog breeds do not necessarily aggressive if they are trained well. You should pay more attention to helping your dog socialize and get used to people. You should not neglect or isolate your dog since this can be one of the causes that dogs develop tendencies to be aggressive.

Raising The Perfect Dog

Cesar Millan is a Mexican-American self-taught, professional dog trainer widely known for his television series The Dog Whisperer; broadcast in more than eighty counties worldwide, including the US, Canada, Australia, Spain, Chile, Macedonia, Italy and the UK. He is one of the very few popular dog trainers who propagate an appropriate attitude to dogs and owner/dog relationship. Cesar recommends picking a dog with the lower energy level than you have, so you’ll always be able to give your dog enough time and attention. You also need to make sure your home and life is ready for a dog before you commit to raising one.

Jan 14, 2014

Dogs Need To Be Love

Do you love your dog? A loving relationship is a two-way commitment. If you don’t love your dog, then how can he love you? He may be bonded to you for food, shelter, or fear. We wouldn’t call a human relationship based on any of those things love, and so it is the same with dogs. Dogs are highly attuned to human social cues. They don’t just enjoy a symbiotic relationship with us; they are our social partners. So if an owner has a positive view of her relationship with her dog, perhaps a higher frequency of positive interactions will occur between the two, leading the dog to reciprocally perceive a close relationship with its owner. Who doesn’t love to be greeted by a dog who acts like you’ve been gone for a year? I know my dog loves me when I get home because she jump all over me even after she’ve been fed.

Responsible Dog Ownership

Owning a pet is a privilege and come with obligations. If you already have a dog, you need to consider if you are fulfilling all your responsibilities as its owner. These animals depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. Provide your dog with healthy food and clean water, clean his water and food bowls daily. This is important if you want your dog to stay healthy. Take your dog for a walk at least twice a day to physically and mentally exercise them. Remember, a tired dog is an obedient one. Keep your dog leashed in public at all times. This will prevent your dog running away, or jumping on other dogs or people. Provide chew toys to keep his teeth healthy and to relieve boredom. Bathe your dog when necessary. You usually don't need to bathe your dog more often than once a month, otherwise its skin will become dry and itchy. Brush your dog regularly to keep its fur from getting tangled and matted.  Take your dog to the vet at least once a year. Regular check-ups are needed to ensure your dog is healthy and so that it can be treated for any problems. Obedience train your dog to ensure a well-mannered family member. Training will strengthen the bond with your dog, prevent or correct unwanted behaviors, and create a well-balanced, happy pet. Pick up after your dog. Dispose of your dog's waste in a proper manner. Be sure to keep your dog happy, healthy, and safe.